Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Newwww Necklace!!

Finally had got some motivation to touch up the front of the shop and add some color and sparkle here and there.. and then even to create something.. so dark..so sinister..so new :O It's a cute lil necklace calllled Butterfly Love ooOooahhh

It's got two butterfly's on it with auto-color-changing wings, and a black heart surrounded by a deep red outline. I LOVE IT!!

It's available for L$15 in regular non-glow and even a glow version. I love glow :)

Here's the pics :D

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010 -update

I'd like to start off by saying that today is Memorial Day.. let us not forgot all of those who have sacrificed themselves to make and keep the freedoms that we have. Thank you to those who lay their lives on the line for us.

-Fair Haven has once again changed. It is still full of beautiful places to explore. The commercial and residential areas have once again been fully redone. I recommend checking it out whenever you can. Tokugawa Creations is of course still located there along with Psi Corp, Punk'd, Nuzzle Works Blush, Supplee Designs and several small vendors.

-On a side note here, I Love the Emerald viewer, but Everytime I go to use it, I am constantly Crashing. I have no idea why this is. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling to start fresh...but the same things happens. Looks like I'll be stuck using the regular Linden Labs viewer (eww) just so I'm not crashing everytime I try to do anything.

-I finally got my butt up and going and finished creating each individual color of the Heart Hoops. Finally. They are L$15 I did however notice an issue with the ad itself. IT says the scripted version has 13 other colors, Lol it's supposed to be 12. My bad :/

-Oh yes, before I forget I did make three new items called Project Color :) These are for the furries :D Got a Carrot, Bone, and a Fishie :) heck yes

-We got a new Subscriber System. The last one seemed to quit working so now we've got to start alll over Soo feel free to drop by and join; it doesn't take a group spot :)

And I believe that is all for now. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day loves <3

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 2010 update

Not a whole lot has been going on, been pretty busy with rl at the moment.
There was a make-over in the Fair Haven sim. There are still loads of places to go and to explore; lots of wonderful picture ops. The shopping area of the sim has changed.
The main store shops are of course Tokugawa Creations along with, Supplee Designs, Punkd, Psi Corp, and Nuzzle Works Blush. There are also smaller venders set around the inside of the shopping area.